PAS wins First Division-North promotion

Bokamoso Diepo, Godfrey Baoteleng and Vice Makgware scored the goals during a promotional game played in Serowe over the weekend.Club manager Molefhi Kannemeyer Obenne told Mmegi Sport that their success is not a fluke because they laboured for it. He said that when the season started, they came up with a roadmap, which was steered by coach, Mogomotsi Bright. 'We started our preparations for the 2012/13 season early and we even had preparatory matches with BDF XI and Extension Gunners.

'That was the launch-pad and we never looked back,' said Obenne.  He stated that their journey was not smooth, however, as they encountered many Challenges, including negative utterances from rivals who did not want to see them succeed.The club, which is affiliated to the Tswapong Regional Football Association (TRFA) consists of players mainly averaging 23 years of age.

The club also has development sides for under-15s and under-17s.  Obenne said the development sides feed players to Lotsane Senior and Mabogo Junior Secondary schools and that has seen the two schools excelling in schools' competitions. For his part, the coach said the club's success  should be attributed partly to unity and willingness of the players to sacrifice their time and sometimes personal resources. Bright explained that he had good players but during the course of the league, new players where brought on board to beef up the squad. He stated that he had a training programme that has yielded the desired result, a place in the Debswana First Division-North.