BNSC affiliates meet to plot strategy


It seems to be rather pouring than raining at the council as it finds itself in trouble after trouble. The affiliates are not happy that the council has been retrenching staff without engaging them. They meet to prepare to voice their concerns at the March Ordinary General Meeting (OGM).'We want to go to the OGM with one voice,' said a source, who preferred anonymity for fear of victimisation. Affiliates are not happy at the way the council has been running business. They say the council has not been engaging them when taking crucial decisions. In the latest scenario the council seem to have irked affiliates by announcing through the media that they will retrench staff as affiliates allege.

However, BNSC chairperson Solly Reikeletseng rubbished the allegations saying they consulted with all relevant stakeholders. A source also alleged that the retrenchments seem ill planned as some employees are said to have been retrenched then reinstated within hours. Today's meeting will discuss action to be taken against the board.'We are going to demand answers at the OGM so we need to select people who will represent us,' he said.The source ruled out the possibility of passing a motion of no confidence.'We only vote three members out of thirteen so passing a motion will not make any difference,' said the source adding that as stakeholders in sports, it is important to know what is happening at BNSC.