Maun residents dread 'unknown' WUC


Matida Mmipi ,WUC corporate communication manager, told Maun community leaders during a stakeholder meeting here last Wednesday that although WUC is to acquire authority over potable water and sewerage resources in Ngamiland in April, the water shortages are likely to escalate.This came after the community leaders enquired what improvements WUC has on offer to solve the water shortages currently affecting Maun residents. Giving welcome remarks, Kgosi Oleyo Ledimo said Maun residents are fearful of the 'unknown' WUC in their district and wondered what the corporation is offering to end inadequate water supplies besetting Maun.

Maun Senior Secondary School principal, Mange Mafhoko, also enquired about WUC solutions to erratic water supplies.Mafhoko also expressed concern over reports of expensive water bills in other villages already taken over by WUC.Motlogelwa Thuso, North West District Council deputy council secretary, said WUC should brace itself for challenges in Ngamiland.'You have been operating in other towns but prepare for challenges here. You inherit an already worn out water infrastructure. The boreholes are regularly submerged by floods and you will face accessibility challenges.'  He said. Thuso also expressed concern saying WUC is not well known in the area advising the Corporation to make itself visible to Ngamiland residents.

Addressing the gathering, Mmipi said WUC will officially takeover potable water and sewerage in Ngamiland on the first week of April. She said the residents must not expect changes in the water supplies as the Corporation will use the same water sources operated by the Department of Water Affairs (DWA). She said the Ngamiland District takeover will conclude the water sector reforms instituted by government that has seen the Corporation being given the responsibility for water and sewerage services across all villages in Botswana. Mmipi further shared that the Department of Water Affairs will remain with the responsibility of water resources management. Mmipi told the residents that as part of its mandate it is still the responsibility of DWA to develop water infrastructure and hand them over to WUC for supplies. There are plans by government, she said, to solve the water crises in Maun. However Mmipi said from April all the processes like connections, applications and water billing will be taken over by her Corporation. She advised local leaders to inform the residents that they have to process applications for their accounts transfer from DWA to WUC in due course. On other issues Mmipi assured residents that all those who are beneficiaries of Remote Area Dwellers (RAD) programmes will continue to be supplied with water for drinking and watering their livestock after the take over. Councillor for Somelo, Moetetsi Mogalakwe and Khwai Councillor Kereeditse Ntsogotlho had expressed misgivings that some poor residents in remote areas may not afford the WUC exorbitant water bills.