Tight security as robbery suspects appear in court

Dimpho Lekgetho, 36, and Zimbabwean nationals, Brian Mpofu, 33, and Mholosi Mpofu, 20 were arraigned for allegedly robbing Keoagile George of a Nokia cellphone and cash amounting to P300 at Matsitama village in the Central Administrative District on November 12, 2012.

It is alleged that the accused assaulted and stabbed the complainant with a knife. Security officers feared that the trio would attempt to escape. State prosecutor Jalome Somolekae told principal magistrate Kgololesego Segabo that the accused fought prison officials in the morning before they were taken to court.

He said the accused might cause harm to prison officials if tbey were not handcuffed and leg-shackled.

Mholosi said despite cooperating with prison warders, they assaulted him before they were transported to court in the morning.

“I did not have any scuffle with the prison warders as alleged by the prosecutor, and I am asking for bail,” said Mholosi, clutching a bandaged hand which he said he sustained after being assaulted by warders.

For his part, Lekgetho said, “I was never involved in any scuffle with prison warders as said by the prosecutor. In fact, I am a victim of their assault. My ribs and hands are very painful because of the beating from the warders”.

Brian also told the magistrate, “Blood is also oozing from my painful hand. I need bail because I fear for my life. The warders told me that they were going to kill me. I fear that they may complete their mission if I am not granted bail. I am afraid that they may poison my food and finish me off. They also insulted me”. The magistrate ruled that the trio be taken to hospital for medical attention. He further remanded them in jail.