FCC adopts new purchasing system


Kgalajwe told a full council meeting yesterday that the system allows them to procure what they need faster than before. 'Out of 16 projects, 14 have been provided with the necessary equipment and materials and the two remaining are already operational,' he said.

He stated that under this initiative, they face challenges like the long waiting lists in institutions that are supposed to assist in skill training; lack of operational space for some projects and the increase in prices after collection of quotations. 'In spite of these challenges, we will continue to soldier on and work out modalities of assisting these beneficiaries and there is need to waive some of the by-laws particularly for this group (the poor),' he said.

He told the meeting the council will use P940,000 to cover costs for the workforce and feeding from December 2012 up to March 2013. This means the council's monthly quota has increased by 207 beneficiaries. A total of 17,766 beneficiaries have been engaged to date. Out of this 14,406 are women and 3,360 are men. The youth are 6,870.

'On the feeding part, 56 suppliers have been engaged to supply drink and bread to the beneficiaries. The Ipelegeng Programme has been performing very well and I am happy to announce that out of 30 maintenance projects, 24 have been completed and six are still on-going and nearing completion,' he said.

He said that only one project - maintenance of a supplies depot - has not started due to the complex and expensive procedure of disposing of asbestos, which cannot be undertaken under the Ipelegeng programme.

'This project has been replaced by the construction of Matimela Kraal and is at the initial stage of implementation. I am happy to inform you that for the financial year 2012-2013, we have been given an additional amount of P940,000. It will cover costs for labourers, both skilled and unskilled, and feeding for the month of December 2012 up to March 2013,' he said. He added that the council has been given the opportunity to include minor construction works. 'Nevertheless, we will continue with culvert and storm water drainage, de-silting, grass cutting and ensuring environmental cleanliness. The construction of five houses that were funded under the presidential initiative, though implemented by Ipelegeng are still on-going,' said Kgalajwe.