Softball boss to seek another term


The softball boss still believes he has a lot to offer the sport. He said his executive committee has achieved a lot after nine months in office. 'We managed to send the junior team to the Netherlands for the World Junior Championships,' he said. He added that they successfully managed the Ipelegeng League and introduced softball to primary schools. Mukokomane hopes that other codes have learnt something from their league. He encouraged other sports codes to consider playing self-sponsored leagues when they cannot get sponsors.

The softball chief revealed that it is a challenge to run sports as most administrators are employed elsewhere. He said Botswana sports will grow if all stakeholders work together. He said there is need for attitude and behaviour change by all stakeholders for sport to develop. Mukokommane said some sports administrators lose sight and put their interests before that of the people they are supposed to serve.

Mukokomane pointed out that some people use sports to push political agendas. 'We need to define the agenda behind our sport. We should know if we are playing to invest in our future or just for fun,' he said. He added that the core business of a sports administrator should be sports development. He said sports administration is very complex, hence it needs firm leaders.

He applauded the media saying they have given softball a fair amount of coverage during his reign though 'not as enough as we would have desired'. His experience with the media is that journalists are more interested in football than any other sport.

He doubted whether journalists have enough knowledge of softball. He said there is need to educate the media and equip them with softball skills. He said they have had a good experience playing a self-sponsored league and that seeking sponsors is not their priority at the moment. 'Our focus at the moment is in quality of facilities,' he said.