Macheng's tough task ahead of Miss Universe contest

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It can never be an easy task to win the Miss Universe beauty pageant and the challenge can be daunting when one has former winners like Mpule Kwelagobe to emulate.

So Botswana's representative at the international competition, Tsaone Macheng who was only crowned Miss Universe Botswana a fortnight ago needs to show good commitment, dedication and sacrifice to achieve her goal of being the second Motswana to bring the crown home. The 22-year-old has admitted she has not had time to celebrate her win as the main focus is now on the big prize.

"The competition is coming in November and there is very little time to prepare.  I have not been that interested in Miss Universe before until I entered, so there is a lot of research to be done and very little time to rest," she said. Ironically Macheng has never entered any beauty contest.  She did not want to enter the Miss Universe Botswana pageant and only relented after a lot of effort to convince her to participate by the show's promoters, who had met her at one of the Gaborone restaurants.

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