Pula! Money Matters play is back

Pula! Money Matters, a play exploring people's relationships with money, is back by popular demand after its April showing during the annual Maitisong Festival.

Directed by Mpho Rabotsima, the play will tomorrow open for a four-day run at Maitisong before embarking on a nationwide tour covering more than 10 towns.Showbiz had the pleasure to catch the cast members in action yesterday at a dress rehearsal of the Saturday show.  The six-person cast surely looked like they knew what they were doing and more than ready to give the audience value for their money.

Rabotsima told Showbiz that he is confident that the play will educate and raise awareness among the people."The story is about how an ordinary person out there relates with money as we all know that everyone out there finds himself/herself in debt or finds it difficult to manage their finances.  So in this drama we present three characters who experience these problems," he said.

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