All quiet about Vision 2016!

2016, is around the corner. Shouldn’t we be making preparations to pat ourselves on the back for a great historical achievement as a nation? Vision 2016 promised a cornucopia for Batswana, young and old, men and women, disabled and able-bodied, white and black, Hindu, Muslim, Sangoma, Christian and Buddhist! Why is all so quiet? No beating of drums, no dancing and no jubilation on the eve of such a momentous event?

“By the year 2016 Botswana will be an educated, informed nation. All people (Batswana) will be able to have good quality education … adapted to the needs of the country. By the year 2016, Botswana will be a prosperous, productive and innovative nation….By the year 2016 Botswana will be a compassionate and caring nation… Poverty will have been eradicated…….By the year 2016, Botswana will be a safe and secure nation…… Batswana will have confidence in law enforcement agencies….…By the year2016 Botswana will be an open, democratic and accountable nation….By the year 2016 Botswana will be a moral and tolerant nation. There will be high standards of personal morality, and tolerant social attitudes towards people of different cultures……By the year 2016, Botswana will be a united and proud nation sharing common ideals, goals and symbols…”

All the above are mouthwatering dishes to be had by any decent society. Not everything ideal for a good society is specifically mentioned, for instance, a corruption-free Botswana, isn’t mentioned. I don’t want to think it was deliberate; it probably was an oversight. Be that as it may, Botswana, from 2016 was to be almost a Garden of Eden, as conceived by the outgoing President Sir Ketumile Masire. Five months by the countdown, Vision 2016 is nowhere near the horizon. Honestly speaking, Vision 2016 is as dead as a dodo. We mourn the death of the Vision. But, was the Vision killed? Murdered by whom? Did it perish in a road accident? Where, when ? Did it die from terminal disease? Let’s stop speculating, to investigate.

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We should care more for our infrastructure, road safety

These roads, which are vital conduits for trade and tourism, have long been in dire need of repair. However, while this development is undoubtedly a positive step, it also raises questions about broader issues of infrastructural management and road safety that deserve closer scrutiny.The A3 and A33 roads are not just any roads, they are critical arteries that connect Botswana to its neighbours and facilitate the movement of goods and people...

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