
Tshwarelo Hosia
  • Building student resilience

    And in an attempt to be seen to be customer-driven, I agreed to do something. And here I am subjecting to my philosophical rumblings on a subject for which I have no mastery.First things first. Good luck to all the 2023 candidates at all levels. You...

  • Role of students in the learning process

    It has been written extensively about the extent to which teachers can make or break the process of curriculum implementation. But little is said about the power that students bring to the classroom desk. Of course, there is no denying the fact that...

  • The quality of pedagogic experiences

    There may be other factors which may have indirect impact on learning outcomes but the quality of pedagogic experiences has been singled out as the one factor directly linked with improved student learning outcomes.As school principals assume their...

  • The teacher, student and content

    It is one’s fervent hope that the teachers and school principals heeded the clarion call for the adoption of an all embracing teaching and learning experience, which leaves no single child behind.The goal is to have a rich and harmonious...

  • Achieving instructional excellence

    Every child in a turnaround school is recognised as an independent entity requiring special attention. A school turnaround programme is time-bound. Well planned and executed school turnaround programmes should mature and show significant student...

  • Navigating a school out of danger

    The reasons why it can be a tall order to navigate a school out of danger are many and varied. One of the factors affecting negatively the overall health of a school system is absence of a shared vision and clarity of purpose.A vision should not...

  • Seeking better ways of sustaining high performance

    Perhaps, one can draw from one’s personal experience to drive the point home. During my high school days, I had the pleasant experience of being the best student in Setswana for four consecutive years. The desire to stay ahead of equally deserving...

  • Under-serving students, a norm rather than an exception

    Under-serving students have become the norm rather than the exception. It would appear this has become a new normal that unashamedly celebrates and promotes mediocrity and academic underachievement.The standards have fallen so drastically that it...

  • Power in a hierarchical system

    There is the issue of power. Power is everything in a hierarchical system. There is a culture of overreliance on a top-down approach - the follow the leader syndrome.If it is from the top then there are no butts, it must be a good and sound...

  • Inspiration of school principals

    The one limiting factor which also amounts to self-censorship is fear. Fear of the unknown is the number one enemy of progress and innovation.To be bring about a profound impact , school principals should avoid like plague any thought harbouring any...

  • The dynamism and strength of education

    Today it seems the world has become too sophisticated and complex for the present education.It seems we do not realise the dangers and futility of arming our children with obsolete and outdated weapons of war which will not help them to navigate...

  • The place of teacher trade unions

    The truth of the matter is that the system of education had coexisted peacefully with the Botswana Teachers Union (BTU), the oldest among the existing crop of teacher trade union movements. This is not to suggest that it was a problem free...

  • Education system behind schedule

    The other day the nation listened with great care and attention as the President delivered his mind set vision.His message is subject to various interpretations but my little understanding of the gist of his vision is that ancient approaches will not...

  • The way to go

    Beginning on an optimistic note, one must state with confidence that these challenges, however stubborn though they may look, cannot overwhelm the moral courage and will of a determined people. This means the power to remedy the situation and bring...

  • Striking a semblance of balance

    This is a big question motivated by the compelling demands of the 21st century world order. Hitherto, schools are synonymous with examinations and it is inconceivable to think of the world of schools without examinations.The life of a school...

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