In a groundbreaking year, Showmax has released 60 Originals to date, solidifying its reputation as a platform committed to local storytelling and production excellence. With a library that houses approximately 2,200 movies and 950 series, Showmax...
The transition to Lightwork Studios stemmed from his desire to tell stories that resonate with Batswana. So far, the company has produced six seasons of Flavours of Africa, a food television series for Btv, and numerous television commercials for...
Born Thato Molupe, the 23-year-old got his big break last year and has been making musical waves in South Africa where he is based and other neighbouring countries. It was his song - Wa Nkutlwa Na that caught people’s attention.The marketing &...
A sizeable crowd had braved the cold weather to attend the show hosted by the Alliance Francaise Gaborone at their Village residence. It was organised in collaboration with Orange Botswana. Despite the uncomfortable weather, the audience was...
The Council took part in two prize-giving ceremonies at Taung Primary School, themed 'Mindset Change: The Key To Academic Excellence', in Gaborone on September 13, 2024, officiated by the Registrar Dr Raphael Dingalo and Nare Sereto Junior...
As the business world adapts to new global trends, the forum aimed to shed light on the critical differences between ESG and CSR and how the university in particular can leverage these frameworks to drive sustainable growth, enhance its corporate...
The big Gaborone derby featuring Township Rollers and Gaborone United was due to be the highlight of the opening week, but fans will have to wait until October for the start of the season. In a statement, the BFL said "Due to unforeseen...
The programme will showcase Gabon’s innovative approach to blending art and science inspired by his research during his 2023-24 Fulbright residency in Botswana. Gabon, a Jamaican-born American artist and 2024 US Fulbright Research and Arts Scholar...
Botswana lost 1-0 to Mauritania before an embarrassing 4-0 reversal at home to Egypt in the 2025 Africa Cup of Nations qualifiers this month. As a result, Botswana fell from position 145 to 147 in the world rankings after losing 13.5 points in the...
The event was part of the moves by the Botswana Billiards Confederation (BBC) to encourage registration of more Pool clubs with the Registrar of Societies. The Pool leadership is currently making initiatives to meet requirements and become an...
Spurs and Arsenal will meet at mid-afternoon on Sunday 15 September for a clash which will help to shape the early-season mood for both teams – and, of course, give one set of supporters bragging rights at least until their next meeting in January...
This follows travel challenges the Zebras faced in Mauritania following their weekend opening Africa Cup of Nations qualifier. CAF acknowledged Botswana's 'extraordinary circumstances' that saw the team fail to return home in time .
Initially, the AFCON 2025 qualifier was scheduled to kick-off at 3pm tomorrow at Obed Itani Chilume stadium in Francistown.According to the statement from the association, the Zebras encountered logistical issues, resulting in delay from Mauritania....
Spanning 14 countries across the continent, MTF offers a comprehensive training and development programme designed to empower emerging filmmakers and industry professionals. Through education, hands-on experience, and strategic partnerships, MTF...
The initiative involves the installation of advanced fire and domestic sectional water tanks for Cut Rag Processors Pty Ltd, at their newly established USD120 million tobacco factory in Harare. This project is a pivotal development in ensuring robust...