The universe gradually took shape as the star shone, emitting gas and dust. From the heat and light, an unseen magician fashioned planets floating amongst the now star-studded universe.Surely the show was not complete; the curtain couldn’t have...
While stillness still pervaded the realm, the symphony added a repetitive cymbal inspired clang. Suddenly from below the thick duvet an arm cracked the stillness of the dark room.The hand stabbed into the night searching for the symphony’s...
Once the capital of a global empire, it now whispered subtle allusions to its past glory. It was in the effortless style of its residents on display in the bustling streets, the aroma that hinted of a sprawling, cultivated culinary history.The sun...
However, the gloomy winter weather makes it difficult to receive adequate sun, which can impair your mood, sex life, and — you guessed it — sleep cycle. Though this rarely happens in Botswana.Only half an hour in the summer sun helps your body...
As the birdsong continued, the sunlight tore through the slotted void between the curtain and window. It festooned and warmed the cheek of the tiny human who lay asleep. A serene voice said, “wake up it’s time for school.”My eyes opened slowly...
And so it was, the conclusion of a literary masterpiece, ingrained within the budding synapses of Mrs Henderson’s Grade 6 class, the sad truth of an unjust world. Harper Lee’s classic To Kill A Mockingbird sparked an insatiable yearning within me...
Friday is named after the wife of the Norse deity Odin. Some academics believe her name was Frigg, while others believe it was Freya. Yet others believe Frigg and Freya were two different gods.She was frequently identified with Venus, the Roman...
This current trend of movement seems to have translated to the present day, with migration being more common now than ever before. Moving away from one’s home is an astronomical step towards the unknown, often coupled with many trials and...
As I stood basking not only in the early coolness of winter but also in my freedom, I couldn’t help but feel a certain lack of elation. While freedom caressed every single one of my cells, I couldn’t help but feel powerless. I was a slave to...
The ground remained hard, fortified by winter’s stinging chill. Though cloaked by thick winter clouds, the moon’s penumbra lightly illuminated the sky. While the temperature had dipped below zero, the streetlight expelled its warm glow into the...
It is remarkable how under a prolonged onslaught, the simplest of life's offerings bring such intense pleasure.Earth's unending journey had rhythmically changed its trajectory to allow the Northern hemisphere closer proximity to the sun. As...
He had navigated this route many times and believed he could do it with his eyes closed. The wind’s ferocity bludgeoned the thermometre’s mercury to its depths.Minus. In reference to temperature, the word minus preceding the numerical value hints...
The Latin name for rock is saxum and as this word traversed my mind, I pondered if stones last forever? Of this I can’t say, but needless to say they never die.Though, just as humans do, they evolve over time. I wondered what these intricate stone...
As the oxygen transaction concluded in the lungs alveoli, the relaxation of the diaphragm expelled the carbon dioxide result.He was now exhausted. This voyage had commenced seemingly eons ago and he yearned to breathe oxygen the way nature intended....
In his hand the polished steel handle felt smooth and cool. He entered the room slowly this time. Every previous foray had been a quick in and out to quickly dispatch the work to be done.The plush carpet felt welcoming as he slowly slumped into the...