
Douglas Tsiako
  • 'The sun never sets on glorious achievements'

    Few men and women have lived to fulfill the ideals and goals that they set out for themselves. Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela is preeminent among such extraordinary people. To paraphrase a statement he made in court during the Rivonia Trial, freedom and...

  • Lobatse is particularly bereaved

    Only they did not know, that the presence of the man who caused more than a little stir in the then Bechuanaland Protectorate, especially among British officers of the small police force who felt a strange obligation to defer to apartheid South...

  • "Democracy is not a spectator sport"

    Although it hardly ever concentrates their minds, most contemporary adherents of three of the world's nine major religions - Judaism, Christianity and Islam - must find the maxim of separation of Church and State hypocritical, especially in this part...

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