
Monkagedi Gaothobogwe
  • Court reasserts Marenga, Karabo

    Justice Kebonang ruled in favour of Topias Marenga and Kethapeleng Karabo, who were recently restored to their posts by several high court judgements including the Court of Appeal. It was Justice Kebonang whose interim orders in favor of the Sedimo...

  • Court reasserts Marenga, Karabo

    Justice Kebonang ruled in favour of Topias Marenga and Kethapeleng Karabo, who were recently restored to their posts by several high court judgements including the Court of Appeal. It was Justice Kebonang whose interim orders in favor of the Sedimo...

  • BOPEU's COA Judgement in Vain

    In many ways the court matter before Justice Kebonang is seen as the interpretation of the Court of Appeal ’s ruling regarding who really is in charge or control of BOPEU’s leadership and therefore its purse. At worst the matter before the High...

  • Justice Kebonang: The nightmare and joy

    I quipped, to advise him to send messengers for such errands instead of a Judge of the High Court being seen buying cheap pickings at the market. “I prefer doing it myself and interact with people,” Justice Kebonang hits back softly and...

  • Court grants Mogwera chance to fight for control of BOPEU'S purse

    The matter relates to the control of BOPEU's bank account held at Standard chattered Bank. The case resumes on Friday for arguments. Mogwera threw her hat in the ring after the rival faction had successfully secured a temporary order to force the...

  • Judgement on the control of BOPEU'S bank account this morning

    Mogwera and Marenga approached Justice Kebonang for joinder less than 12 hours after the same judge had given the Monakwe’s, appearing as BOPEU, and without citing other interested parties especially Mogwera and Marenga, in the same...

  • COA Smokes Out Monakwe ‘The Trouble Maker'

    CoA’s Justice Isaac Lesetedi in his long-awaited judgement on Friday that dedicated a chunk of his ruling on Monakwe, singling him out as the troublemaker in all of BOPEU’s long-running instabilities of the last three years. Justice Lesetedi’s...

  • Monakwe's Road To The Top

    In August 2018, four months towards the BOPEU elective congress, Monakwe was nowhere near the seat of power. Masego Mogwera was the president, Martin Gabobake, the first deputy president and Ogaufi Tilly Masame the second deputy president, with...

  • Lesetedi Decides Monakwe, Sedimo Fate, Appeals Today

    Lesetedi’s judgement will put to rest all matters concerning Monakwe and Sedimo as president and secretary-general respectively of the Botswana Public Employees Union (BOPEU). This comes soon after the High Court’s Justice Mercy Garekwe restored...

  • Monakwe faction reopens BOPEU bank account

    Kebonang's ruling yesterday late afternoon granted the faction power to reopen the account following the recent High Court victory that restored the deposed Masego Mogwera as president of BOPEU, leading to the bank closing the account. Upon...

  • Khato Civils overcomes Hurdles to Deliver Masama 100km

    The components are new arrivals. They were being brought to the site from various Johannesburg manufacturers on a daily basis  for the final touches of joining pipes and valves in the inlets  and water chambers of the 100km pipeline project ahead...

  • Khato civils 100 km pipeline saves WUC over P1.2 billion

    Moathodi was asked at a familiarisation tour of the Masama 100km water projects which is in the final touches stage ahead of handover next month,  to give an estimate of the costs of similar projects under normal circumstances in Botswana, in order...

  • Drama Unfolds As BOPEU's Losing Faction Deploys Bouncers

    The move resulted in dramatic scenes of near-violent confrontations. Mogwera confirmed that she had ordered that the locks to various offices occupied by Monakwe and his cohort be changed immediately after Justice Mercy Garekwe announced her...

  • Rari at the wheel, as BOSETU membership growth doubles

    To double that number and reach 18, 000 members is no small feat for the trade union in a sector where teachers countrywide number not more than 25, 000. Long serving BOSETU secretary general, Tobokani Rari says the leadership stability, and...

  • BOPEU factional wars destabilise BFTU

    The move also forced the BFTU to convene an emergency general meeting for next week Thursday in Gaborone to ventilate on the conundrum. In a first of its kind the BFTU has seen its popularly elected president recalled from his position by BOPEU,...

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