
Botho Baputaki
  • Ndelu booed at BDF concert

    Seretse, who is in the middle of a by-election controversy with one Kgotla Autlwetse, arrived late at the Friday event and when he was introduced, the audience booed at him. That was the only fly in the ointment for the memorable night when the BDF...

  • Debswana employee wins donkey cart

    This was from a competition that requested one to buy anything at the furniture shop outlets worth P2,999 to be able to enter for the competition. When expressing his feelings after being named the  winner, Shimako said he was overwhelmed with...

  • Poverty still grinds on in Sehonou

    SEHONOU: After spending P1,509,788 in a poverty eradication workshop that had all the pomp and ceremony with Vice President Ponatshego Kedikilwe performing the official opening, this remote village in Serowe South constituency has reverted back to...

  • Landboard raises concern over absentee landowners

    The land authority’s Systematic Land Registration Project requires owners to register their plots to enable the Ministry of Lands and Housing to know who owns what and where in the country. Morokotso said absentee landowners are behind the delay...

  • National blindness programme broadens approach

    Speaking at the Sekgoma Memorial Hospital during this year's World Sight Day recently, the minister said a study conducted in Botswana among adults aged 50 years and above in 2006 revealed that 3.7 percent of the population is blind. She said the...

  • Residents clean up criminal haven

    Ward councillor Solomon Dikgang said it was important to do something as thugs who have been hiding in the bushes largely attack students. Incidents of rape in the area reportedly occurred in the mornings when students were on their way to...

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