Peace of mind is an understatement. Local farmers have been accustomed to the adage, kae tlhoka ka tlhoka boroko, kae bona le gone ka bo tlhoka (roughly, cattle rearing has both advantage and disadvantage). A proud moruakgomo is every time on...
Imagine taking the steps of Sky Lounge in the swanky Gaborone Central Business District (CBD) with its 19 floors. With Botswana the climber would be left with 30 more floors. By the time you get to Floor Number 19, the indefatigable are ready to...
The issue of only a few kilometres of tarred roads at the time, and other challenges showed a country that had a beggar status. The country’s infrastructure was virtually non-existent, as the country depended entirely on others, especially...
I have been rising every morning from a house in Gabs’s notoriously crime-ridden Bontleng location since October last year. Prior to that I was waking up in another SHHA house at the comparatively tranquil location of Extension. Extension is in a...
Does anyone recognise the big role President Robert Gabriel Mugabe of Zimbabwe played as mediator when Botswana and Namibia nearly went to war in the 1990s over a seemingly insignificant piece of island in the Chobe River called Sedudu? The island,...
While the lack of jobs is still ravaging the country, according to Moepi, a light is twinkling in the distance. Soon the country would be swarming with citizens ready to take up jobs in the construction industry. BusinessWeek:Â Please give the...
Tabengwa Tabengwa of Ikageleng ward said the opposition has been vindicated as they have always castigated the government for abusing the system of nominations. “We have never agreed with this issue of nominated councillors because it is being...