
Duma Boko
  • Boko's response to SONA 2018 [full text]

    INTRODUCTION 1.         I begin, as always I should, on a note of piety; of fond humility. The philosopher Plato tells us that piety refers to the reverent attachment to the sources of good in your life and the people who have given so much...

  • My thought on Masisi and his corruption crusade

    This toxicity permeates all layers of our society and expresses itself more on social media platforms where it breeds an incipient hostility that prevents any authentic conversation even on serious issues. Much of the punditry that pollutes public...

  • I am a dreamer of big dreams - Boko

    1. I would like to preface my response to the 2018 Budget Statement by affirming that I am indeed a big dreamer. The Vice President was right to describe me so in his response to the President’s last State of the Nation Address. I am a dreamer of...

  • Boko�s passionate plea on CoA Amendment Bill

    My remarks and observations in relation to this matter are a matter of record, and so I will not repeat them today. All I will say it that all my rights as a citizen and as a Member of Parliament in regard to any aspect of this matter are fully...

  • UDC Road: �It has not been an easy road�

    These negotiations led to the launch of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) which culminated in the joint participation of opposition parties in Sekoma, Ramotswa, Kalakamati, Tsabong and Palapye by-elections. The positive results we registered in...

  • I am a Social Innovationist

    Now we can have us some interesting, serious and scholarly discussion. Interesting question asked by this young comrade, isnt it? The question is made all the more interesting by the fact that it is difficult, well-nigh impossible to appreciate what...

  • The State Of The Nation Address: A Response by Leader Of Opposition

    Madam Speaker 1. I rise, as both the Constitution of this great country and the Standing Orders of this House impel me, to respond to the State of the Nation Address delivered here two days ago by the President of the country. I note that the...

  • Reflection on the state of our nation

    Lives are severely disrupted. Businesses are poised perilously on the brink of collapse, with many facing imminent closure. The result is a further swelling of the ranks of the unemployed, plunging yet more of our people, young and old, into abject...

  • The first phase: laying the foundation for change in Botswana

    INTRODUCTION 1. Madam Speaker I have been instructed that it is a habit or convention of decorum of this House to refer to each other as Honourable. This should not be very difficult for me. As you all are aware I come from a background where this...

  • What A Man! What A Man! What A Mighty Good Man!

    WHAT A MAN! WHAT A MAN! WHAT A MIGHTY GOOD MAN! He sang this song. He always led with it. He sang it from the front lines of political engagement. He sang it to ignite lightning storms of political inspiration. He sang this song to lay down a moral...

  • The right to...

      The right to... Of all the many rights which he has been endowed with by his creator, Mpho Balopi, in all he does or says, exercises just one; the right to extreme stupidity.  He has recently been quoted in a local newspaper, an allegation he...

  • We are losing the war on corruption

    The overinflated fanfare of the State of the Nation Address is slowly fading away I hope. It is opportune to take up one very important issue which will bulk large in the lead up to the next General Elections. This is the issue of corruption. The...

  • Boko responds to 'BNF in messy state' article

    It is even more so in the case of the Botswana National Front (BNF) which attracts the most attention and media speculation. It is important to set out the facts very briefly lest the nonsense being bandied about acquires a semblance of...

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