Today we wish to convey gratitude to the people of Botswana who participated in vote, for exercising their right to vote without which we cannot build any nation. We are especially proud of those who voted for the Alliance for Progressives. We are...
Corruption, therefore, is a cancer, a thief that steals away our potential to build a great economy that generates high paying jobs for the majority of our people. And, more telling, corruption is a crime against the poor. There is no substitute to...
Thank you Mr Speaker, that by your delicate hand I rise to perform a great and privileged duty, to respond on behalf of so many citizens of this magnificent land, to the 2019/20 Budget Speech by Hon Minister Ken Matambo. How I wish Madam Speaker...
I stand, today, no so much to respond to his presentation, but I rise in exercise of the heavy burden of responsibility to which many citizens of our country have, by the power of the ballot, called us to. Many of them walked many miles, under the...
I am happy that not everyone understands where the truth lies about the circumstances; Some believe that you are where you are because of your stubbornness, and some say you have failed on procedure; and I am happy that these people don’t know the...
I’m happy that I can say I lived among you, I lived with you and I walked with you in this great journey to a new Botswana. I know some of you used their very last bank reserves to be here today. There are friends in the audience who are nursing...
One of the more fascinating and beautiful ingredient of the American democratic tradition and practice is the peaceful transfer of power from one party to another. Over a period of about 240 years, America has built institutions that transcend any...
So for now I will hold my horses, and attend to the conveyance of my good wishes to you as you travel to the venue of our congress, Gantsi. It is chilly at night-time, please carry your warmest jackets, and if you don’t mind borrow your uncle’s...
An element of what makes the BDP strong is that democrats (meaning members of the BDP) have consistently coalesced in deference to the decisions of the BDP Central Committee or those of other party structures. Generations of democrats have honoured...