The Boss Baby, like the name suggests with a huge hint, explores the power/influence of newborns on families though a bit exaggerated and sugar coated with comedy to stimulate humour. This movie is an American computer-animated family tailored comedy...
This global icon movie charged into theatres like a raging bull breaking long-standing records. Information reaching yours truly is that, according to new Capitol Cinemas, the Fast 8 movie did more than exceptional as it was sold out locally for an...
Scarlet Johansson (Black Widow in Avengers and Lucy) demonstrated her power of attraction as her latest sci-fi Ghost In The Shell sold out. Sci-Fi films explore the literature of the human species encountering change, whether it arrives via...
This franchise used to be a hit back in the late 1990s at a time when TV was being dominated other than favourites Viper, The A-team, Knight Rider and MacGyver and Tazan. This 2017 blockbuster is a reboot (a new film altogether with new setting) and...
King Kong is the name of the vicious ape monster that brought delightful destruction from action of unusual animal behaviour to theatre soothing the cravings of hardcore thrill seekers. The last time a creature of this kind was spotted was 12 years...
After 2016’s X-MEN APOCALYPSE, Marvel is at it again with yet another mutant flavoured blockbuster. The Wolverine story took yet another twist as the marvel comics released Logan this past weekend and fans of the Marvel supernaturals flocked...
The greatest barricade One of February’s most anticipated blockbusters, after Resident Evil & Fifty Shades now an ancient fable about one of the greatest wonders of earth The Great Wall of China finally descended into theaters and conquered...
Yet however some drool when they see others flourishing with happiness from their lovely unions. Well Fifty Shades Darker gave some hope on Valentine’s Day as this beautiful love story showed many how to enjoy love, this movie is a global...
Resident Evil: The Last Chapter is the name of the dystopian society that is reeling in the aftermath of this pandemic. This film is the fifth installment in the entire video game adaptation of the six film series that dates as far back as 2002...
This acclaimed big screen show commands a good fan base and has been AWOL for the past 12 years since its last retcon release in 2005’s xxx: State Of The Union that starred Ice Cube. Vin Diesel returns to his infiltrator role starring as agent xXx....
January One of the New Year’s celebrated resolutions, Vin Diesel returns to his iconic role starring as agent X after lying dormant for 15years since the 2002 exploits. This is the third sequel to the initial 2002 film after a 2005 retcon...
1. Captain America: Civil War The month of May is always a big one with Marvel treats.  Rated 2016’s hottest film, Civil War had movie enthusiasts crazed in adrenalin moments. New heroes were introduced. The other fun fact about this Marvel...
If you are into history ,then A United Kingdom might just be the energiser for your old-school taste buds. This film caused a stir when it first hit the screens two months back in October 2016 at New Capitol cinemas to a selected few that included...
Now the movie in discussion clearly takes movie enthusiasts on such a sentimental journey as to how life can throw one with lemons instead of glitz, Mel Gibson is renowned for these types of tales. Blood Father is the name of the story, this film is...
Babies seem to have an everlasting enchanting power that has no boundary amongst every living thing. After watching Storks, a 2016 3D animated comedy, it leaves you in cloud nine appreciating the blessing that is to have a new form of life. This...