Battle Of Mosita (Part 2)

In our last instalment, the Barolong booRatshidi Kgosi Montshiwa had withdrawn from Lotlhakane to Setlagole where he was joined in his resistance to the Boers by the Barolong booRatlou and Bahurutshe refugees.

Thereafter, Setlagole became a staging post for raids on Boer farms in the western Tranvaal.  A surviving Boer document records the loss of 287 cattle from eight Schoonspruit farms during one such foray.

In an attempt to regain the initiative that the Transvaal Boers leading figure, General Andries Pretorius, decided to personally lead a commando against Setlagole.

Editor's Comment
Let’s put the fight against crime in action

But as the conference concludes, Batswana must ask: Will this be another talk shop, or will it spark real change? The answer lies in whether every stakeholder, from the President to community leaders, transforms rhetoric into action.The President rightly highlighted that crime, especially GBV, thrives in private spaces. His call to empower churches and counsellors as early warning systems is sensible. But good ideas mean little without funding...

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