Keep it moving at all costs

The English Teacher Poster
The English Teacher Poster

The English Teacher (2013) is now at the New Capitol Cinemas. It was released first in New York at the Tribeca Film Festival and then into cinemas in May and the DVD was out in August this year.

It is a romantic comedy about a relationship between a teacher and her student – but not when he was her student. This flick features the teacher’s discovery of her protégé again, years later. It is a fun film, a bit over the edge, but still laughable. The problem is that it could so easily have been a lot better, this should have been the test and then it could have been remade before being released.

Plays have the benefit of going on the road, often with the dramatist too, who remains busy rewriting, and then when presented in the next town, rewriting again. They may even decide to change the ending. That is what becomes the bone of contention in The English Teacher. Most films do not have the benefit of audience inputs and constant presentation so that the final product is far better than what was done in the beginning. Instead, flicks are subject to editing and cutting after they have been filmed, but rarely are they made over, going back and filming more to achieve something better. Novelists have a similar problem as their work in progress must find closure and then go to the printer, or today to the digital library. Some authors years later will re-write an earlier novel, because they, over time, have seen how they can make it something they are happier with, new characters, new drama, even a different ending.Of the thousands of films made, very few get remade.

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