
Botswana can benefit from China’s deepening reform to advance modernisation

The resolution on further deepening reform comprehensively to advance Chinese modernisation was adopted at the third plenary session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) on July 18, 2024.

In order to implement the strategic plans made at the 20th national congress of the CPC, the 20th CPC central committee studied the issue of further deepening reform comprehensively to advance Chinese modernisation at its third plenary session and on this basis, it adopted this resolution. The plenary session was presided by the Political Bureau of the CPC central committee where the general-secretary of the CPC central committee, President Xi Jinping, delivered important addresses with regard to the resolution.

When it comes to importance and necessity of this resolution on modernisation, it must be noted that reform and opening up have been crucial to the cause of the party and the people, enabling China to catch up with the times in great strides. Therefore, this third plenary session was a landmark event that ushered in a new period: One reform, opening up, and socialist modernisation. It was also of epoch-making significance as it marked the start of a new journey of comprehensively deepening reform in the new era with systematic and holistic plans, thus paving the way for a brand new stage in China’s reform and opening up endeavours.

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Ditlhopho di tsile: Vote wisely

This is a significant moment for our democracy, and it is crucial that every eligible voter takes part in shaping the future of our nation. This is a call to action for all the registered voters and stakeholders to ensure a smooth and informed electoral process.First and foremost, if you are a registered voter, now it is the time to get ready. Ensure that you have your voter registration card and identity card (Omang) in order. If you have...

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