
Existing challenges and future pathways for SADC

Under the theme, ‘Promoting innovation to unlock opportunities for sustained economic growth and development towards an industrialised SADC’ – Southern African Development Community (SADC), comprising 16 southern African states, on August 17 gathered to review their collective outstanding development roadblocks, and as traditionally expected, thoroughly discussed another set of measures to be implemented in the next few years.

Southern Africa, and as pertains to the rest of Africa, has been confronted with numerous development challenges. The continent is facing major challenges, especially financing, security, soaring debt levels and climate change.

These decades-old development setbacks have been complicated primarily due to gross lack of good governance, ineffective approach, illicit outflow of capital from the continent, instability and different kinds of ethnic conflicts, and largely their own failure to look for inside solutions to ensure significant success and economic progress.

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Ditlhopho di tsile: Vote wisely

This is a significant moment for our democracy, and it is crucial that every eligible voter takes part in shaping the future of our nation. This is a call to action for all the registered voters and stakeholders to ensure a smooth and informed electoral process.First and foremost, if you are a registered voter, now it is the time to get ready. Ensure that you have your voter registration card and identity card (Omang) in order. If you have...

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