
Global tensions and the threat of World War III

The world is transfixed by headlines warning of escalating tensions between Iran and Israel, sparking fears of a potential catalyst for World War III.

Yet, amidst these concerns lies a fundamental truth: World War III is not a distant spectre, but a grim reality unfolding before our very eyes. It’s not a traditional clash of empires or armies marching across continents. Gone are the days of conventional warfare. Today’s war is a hydra-headed monster, a tangled web of low-intensity conflicts, a clandestine affair, a shadowy ballet of proxy battles, drone strikes, and covert operations, which is reaching into every corner of the world and eroding the very fabric of peace and security.

The Middle East provides a stark illustration of this paradigm shift. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the longest-running active conflict since World War II, exemplifies this transformation. It’s a complex, dynamic issue fuelled by competing ideologies, strategic objectives, and a tangled historical context. However, this conflict has morphed into a battleground for regional and global powers, further complicating any path to resolution. Similarly, the Syrian civil war, once a localised tragedy, has evolved into a proxy battleground for competing regional and global powers. The United States, Turkey, Iran, and others have carved out their spheres of influence, perpetuating a conflict that has displaced millions and pushed an entire region to the brink of collapse. The distinction between combatant and bystander has blurred, rendering it increasingly difficult to discern who is truly at war with whom. This blurring of lines extends into the “war on terror.”

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