the monitor

Spiritual Realm: The Cradle And Foundation Of Life

The spiritual realm is the cradle of every movement or action that unfolds in our lives. This means that everything that happens in our lives begins first in the spirit.

It may either be a bad thing or a good thing. The spiritual realm is the foundation of the life we aspire to live and also has the potential to destroy us. It, therefore, needs to be taken care of carefully. We are, often, not awake to our spiritual well- being and its flexibility. We neglect and forget to exercise it regularly.

Just like the body, if it is not religiously active, it deteriorates until it collapses - death. What we utter or indulge in gets deposited in the spirit before it manifests in the physical. Every word and its moral composition is a seed that is planted on the soil of the spiritual realm. For one to access the spiritual world, they need to exercise their utmost faith. Faith is the eye that magnifies what physical eyes cannot see nor hear. Faith is a key component in attracting the manifestation of our dreams. Without it, it is like attempting to drive an automobile without fuel or perhaps writing a document with a pen which has no ink. We ought to commit our faith, undivided, towards the course we are pursuing in order to nature a strong outcome as anticipated. Our levels of faith predicate the timing of the manifestation of the desired effect. On the other note, even though faith has the bulldozer effect, it is most of the time compromised by our own self-inflicted dose of fear. Fear limits the formulation, development and complete maturity towards what has been planted in the spirit. It distances one from the traction of their spiritual value.

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