the monitor


It seems like everyone's got a story that only your wallet can write the ending to! From uncles with legs that have seen better days to cars that decided to take a permanent vacation in the middle of nowhere, the world is full of tales that tug at your purse strings.

And let's not forget the landlords, who apparently have turned into neck-breathing dragons when the rent's overdue. And somehow you are the solution of all these morasses. My wallet has become a superhero of sorts to save the day of a bewildered broke friends! It's not just full of receipts, it's a treasure trove of solutions! My wallet is not just a sidekick in my pocket, it's the hero I never knew my friends so need!

Granted, in these challenging economic times, it seems that banks have turned to hoarding their gold and breathing fire at anyone who dares ask for a loan. Meanwhile, the townsfolk have been left to navigate the treacherous waters of loan sharks, Machonisa, where the interest rates bite harder than the sharks themselves. But many have exhausted their chances with Machonisas and the latter seems to have compiled a list of serial defaulters.

Editor's Comment
Khama, gov't should cooperate

Firstly, the government must play its part in facilitating this transition. The role of Kgosi isn't merely ceremonial; it carries substantial responsibilities and influence within the community. Therefore, the government must ensure that all legal and procedural requirements are met to support Khama's return. This includes providing the necessary resources and administrative support to uphold the integrity of the Kgotla and its...

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