the monitor


Dear Coach, I am a married woman in her early fifties. I got into my marriage about twenty-five (25) years ago. My husband found me with a daughter and he raised her like his own.

He was such a loving man and I felt that there was no one better to marry except him. My best choice ever, I would even say to my friends, just praising him. He was worthy though. He gave me two (2) more boys. I got involved in a car accident with my husband and I got severe injuries which prompted a fewer body operations with some unsuccessful. I couldn’t satisfy my husband’s sexual needs. He started to scorn me and always made me feel like I was not anything. Each one of us received an obese claim from the accident fund. He insisted we start the taxi business and used my money to purchase two minibuses. He has never contributed a single cent towards that course but he runs it and make decisions without me knowing. I realised that he has changed the vehicles’ ownership to himself. My problem escalated when I realised that my daughter, now aged twenty- nine (29) is dating her step- father. I mean, my own husband. I was in shock and it really hit me so hard. I wonder, how does my own daughter snatch my husband, her supposed to be father, from me and they even play jolly before my eyes. It is so disgusting and very painful.

A couple of days after I found out what has been going on behind my back, he took my car keys and gave them to my daughter and I currently use public transport. I am a stranger in my own home. I have made attempts to involve our parents but help is not available from them. I am so depressed now Coach, what should I do? Yours, Anonymous Dear Anonymous, The story you have shared is very touching and so sad. I am so sorry that you are going through this painful experience in solace. The hope you had is now far- fetched since those that you thought would light it up are the ones shutting it off. I sincerely apologise to say that your husband is so not loyal and lacks so much discipline, both personally and socially. Personally, he could not differentiate between his daughter and someone fit to date. You simply cannot raise someone as your child and taking all the fatherhood responsibilities then you ultimately convert them into a lover. I believe that, he has never seen your daughter as his but rather she has always been his potential lover since. On the other hand, your daughter is exactly the same as your husband because she also lacks the gut guard that could refrain her from being involved with her step- father. They could have both chosen people from the outside, not those from the same roof. Your husband is so unfair and unjust to blame you for the accident since no one arranges for it to happen.

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Ditlhopho di tsile: Vote wisely

This is a significant moment for our democracy, and it is crucial that every eligible voter takes part in shaping the future of our nation. This is a call to action for all the registered voters and stakeholders to ensure a smooth and informed electoral process.First and foremost, if you are a registered voter, now it is the time to get ready. Ensure that you have your voter registration card and identity card (Omang) in order. If you have...

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