
Money cannot perform miracles in education

The odds seem stacked against school turnaround efforts. The challenge lies in not knowing what exactly makes a school tick. Most interventions are purely motivated by guess work instead of research and evidence.

It is not really surprising that some still believe that increased financial injection is the answer. Money cannot do anything if instructional practices do not get better.

Experience from other countries has taught us that the role of finance in education should be subjected to thorough scrutiny. It has been observed here and abroad that increasing budget allocations to education does not necessarily guarantee improved learning outcomes. Yes, inadequate financial provisions can cripple an education system but throwing money at problems with the hope of achieving a quick fix rarely yields desired changes. In the USA a deliberate plan was hatched to set aside a special fund earmarked for purposes of resuscitating chronically low achieving schools. But the results continued to disappoint in many schools which benefited from the school improvement grant.

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