
When the school environment is right

Students are creations of the school environment. They can achieve extraordinary scores when treated as proficient and sufficiently made to believe in themselves.

When the school environment is right, students get it right and can overcome distractors no matter how powerful. In their 1996 World Bank report titled, ‘School Count’, Heneveld Ward and Craig Helen spelt out in clear, unadorned and unambiguous terms the characteristic features of effective schools.

The report places a high premium on the school climate as a leading and prominent contributor to school effectiveness. In particular, Ward and Craig highlight the power of positive teacher attitudes. In their view the attitude of teachers determine the altitude of the students.

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We should care more for our infrastructure, road safety

These roads, which are vital conduits for trade and tourism, have long been in dire need of repair. However, while this development is undoubtedly a positive step, it also raises questions about broader issues of infrastructural management and road safety that deserve closer scrutiny.The A3 and A33 roads are not just any roads, they are critical arteries that connect Botswana to its neighbours and facilitate the movement of goods and people...

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