
Naming positions in an organisation

What is it in a name? And what has the nomenclature to do with performance and health of an organisation? Naming positions in an organisation is everything. Positions are named not for the sake of it but on purpose to fulfil the mandate, dreams and aspirations of an organisation.

Some positions, especially those sitting at the top of the organisational structure, are general in nature and scope making it difficult for the uninitiated to determine with accuracy the duties the holder of the position is expected to carry out while many other posts have a specific focus rendering them self explanatory even to outsiders. To keep pace with emerging issues and challenges, the organisational structure should never be static but should be a dynamic living organism ready to undergo mutation if necessary in order to achieve relevance and efficiency.

No organisation worth its salt and also desiring to stay in the game remains content with ancient and archaic structures while expecting to miraculously thrive and prosper in an ever fluid and dynamic world. Change is therefore a necessity for continuing survival and also a prerequisite for improved service delivery. This is the principle that has universal applicability and all organisations seeking to find lasting and durable solutions to their pressing challenges should fully exploit the principle to inject a new lease on life.

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