the monitor

Boring Christian Life

A recent conversation with a new friend inspired me to write this week’s article. She was telling me that she is ready to leave drinking, smoking and fornication and turn to Jesus, but she fears she will be bored.

Her words made me laugh when she said, “Yep, I am a real sinner but I want to change!” I laughed because I assured her we are all sinners!! But her questions were practical and genuine. What will weekends look like if she leaves her current life? What will she do on Friday nights if she is following God’s plan for her life? What will she do to make her happy? What does dating look like without pre-marital sex?

Honestly, I applaud her candid questions and I think many share her fears. So I thought I should extend my answer to you. First of all, it should be asked why one would want to leave a life of “sin”? Could it be that it isn’t as exciting and fulfilling as the world promises it will be? Is it possible that the late night drinking grows “boring” after a while too? Sleeping with person after person gets “boring” as well. Losing money to the expensive cost of booze, doing things you later regret and exposing yourself to possible situations that will put your body into unnecessary harm isn’t all that it is cracked up to be. Could it be that you actually SEE that on Saturday morning after a late Friday night when your pockets are empty, your head is aching and your kids are disappointed in your lifestyle choices, you wish there was another path?

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