An affirmation

Pedalling along Chapman’s Peak Drive, solitude is a serene companion. The rhythmic hum of the bicycle harmonises with the calling of the ocean below. Waves crash against the rocky shore, a soothing tempo that matches the heartbeat of the earth. The road winds through rugged cliffs, revealing breathtaking vistas with each turn.

Alone but not lonely, I am embraced by nature’s grandeur. The scent of saltwater mingles with the crisp mountain air, invigorating the senses. Every moment is a deep meditation, where the world’s edges blur, leaving only the harmony of peaceful bliss and a soaring spirit. Amidst the breathtaking beauty, my pace slowed as I encountered a padlocked gate, halting my journey. Chapman’s Peak had been closed to cars for safety measures against rockslides and nature’s unpredictable hazards. I stopped and perched on the retaining wall, undistracted, absorbing one of the planet’s most spectacular vistas. A master of preparation, I retrieved my insulated bag, unveiling a perfect treat to savour while basking in the jaw-dropping panorama.

I peeled back the skin, revealing the clementine’s vibrant segments, and bit into an explosion of sweet and tangy flesh. The delicious juice, encased in translucent skin, burst forth, flooding my taste buds with pure, unadulterated fruit heaven. A perfect accompaniment to savour while enjoying this slice of heaven on earth. My one weakness in life; food. How did our love affair with food begin? Long before the modern kitchen, early humans relied on the bounty of nature to sustain themselves. The food journey, from mere sustenance to a myriad of flavours, begins in the cradle of civilieation. In ancient times, people discovered the power of fire, transforming raw meat into a more palatable and safer nourishment. This simple act was the first step in the history of the culinary arts. The earliest agricultural societies cultivated grains and vegetables, creating the foundations for diverse diets. The true magic began with the discovery of spices. Ancient Egyptians prized cumin and coriander, not only for their preservative qualities but also for their ability to elevate the taste of food.

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Ditlhopho di tsile: Vote wisely

This is a significant moment for our democracy, and it is crucial that every eligible voter takes part in shaping the future of our nation. This is a call to action for all the registered voters and stakeholders to ensure a smooth and informed electoral process.First and foremost, if you are a registered voter, now it is the time to get ready. Ensure that you have your voter registration card and identity card (Omang) in order. If you have...

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