
Al Nur wins BSE challenge

Winners: Al Nur emerged victorious in the competition PIC: BSE FACEBOOK
Winners: Al Nur emerged victorious in the competition PIC: BSE FACEBOOK

Al Nur School has won the Botswana Stock Exchange’s (BSE) Senior Secondary Schools Finance and Investment Competition, which for the first time involved the use of a stock exchange simulator that mimics real-time trades and values.

Al Nur notched up the highest average realised gains in the 13 weeks of trade on the simulator, pipping Lobatse Senior Secondary School, and third-placed Regent Hill International Secondary School. The competition, sponsored by Stanbic Bank Botswana, involved participating schools being allocated P100,000 in virtual trading funds with which to build their portfolios and trade over the 13 weeks.

Officiating at the awards ceremony, Education and Skills Development minister, Douglas Letsholathebe, said the competition exemplifies the country’s collective efforts to equip young minds with the skills and knowledge necessary to navigate the complex landscape of the financial markets.

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