
BDC ramps up P2.5bn project pipeline

Aiming high: BDC CEO, Cross Kgosidiile, is charting a new era of expansion for the state investment agency PIC: KENNEDY RAMOKONE
Aiming high: BDC CEO, Cross Kgosidiile, is charting a new era of expansion for the state investment agency PIC: KENNEDY RAMOKONE

The Botswana Development Corporation (BDC) plans to spend P2.5 billion on various 'high developmental impact' projects in the near future, with at least 25% dedicated to the manufacturing sector.

The BDC is the state investment agency primarily charged with economic diversification through investments and partnerships with the private sector. The corporation was allocated about P500 million in the current financial year for recapitalisation by government, its sole shareholder.

Officials told BusinessWeek that the investment pipeline will allocate a significant portion of funds to projects in manufacturing in order to pioneer new industries and bolster export-oriented businesses.

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We should care more for our infrastructure, road safety

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