Botswana shines in global competitiveness ranking

At the helm: Trade and Industry minister, Mmusi Kgafela, is at the forefront of the country’s efforts to add lustre to its investment and doing business climate
At the helm: Trade and Industry minister, Mmusi Kgafela, is at the forefront of the country’s efforts to add lustre to its investment and doing business climate

The latest global competitiveness ranking conducted by the Swiss-based Institute of Management Development (IMD), has seen Botswana’s comparative competitiveness rise four notches higher to emerge the highest ranked African country.

Botswana was ranked 55th out of 67 countries assessed, rising from the previous year’s position of 59. Botswana emerged above African titans such as South Africa, Nigeria and Ghana.

Though similar to the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) more well-known Global Competitive Report, the IMD assessment provides a more in-depth analysis to guide focused actions. Botswana signed up for the IMD competitiveness assessment four years ago, while the WEF’s analysis has been in limbo since 2020.

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