BOWICO emerges in the built world

Botswana Women in Construction
Botswana Women in Construction

Tell us about Botswana Women in Construction Organisation (BOWICO). When was it incepted and what is its mandate? The organisation was officially registered in June 2019 and our mandate is to empower practising, professional, and prospective women in the construction industry.

BOWICO ensures their successful participation across all platforms within the built environment.

What are some of the challenges that women in construction face daily? The construction sector offers unique challenges because it has always been a male-dominated industry and the number of women is always limited at all levels. This in itself creates compounded barriers for even the most qualified and assertive of women in the industry. Women face unprecedented levels of both verbal and sexual harassment because their counterparts may not necessarily deem them as equals who deserve respect and workplace comradery. BOWICO strives to educate and facilitate all facets of safe workplace environments free from such harassment. We are stern advocates for clear channels of communication that permit all employees to report all inappropriate behaviour, for policy enactments in companies and for training workshops to curb such harassment. Other practical workplace requisites such as physical strength requirements, shared portable toilets, unfit safety equipment and personal protective equipment are some of the issues that we are working to change. We advise women to be vocal and unyielding when engaging management about all these workplace issues.

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