BPOPF nominees breeze through in Letshego board shake-up

Odera, Motshegwa and Botlhale
Odera, Motshegwa and Botlhale

The three nominees put forward by the Botswana Public Officers Pension Fund (BPOPF) for Letshego Holdings’ board, prevailed with votes in favour of more than 90%, as the microlenders’ Annual General Meeting ushered in a new frontline on Thursday.

Voting results issued to the Botswana Stock Exchange this evening indicate that the BPOPF’s nominees, unionist Ketlhalefile Motshegwa, chartered accountant Chris Mokgware and prominent public finance professional, Emmanuel Botlhale, all sailed through to the board at the AGM.

Malawian banking tycoon and First Capital Bank Botswana chair, Hitesh Anadkat, who holds 2.9% equity in Letshego, saw one of his nominees, Busisa Moyo rejected by shareholders, while the other, Jayaraman Ramesh, received 56.55% of shareholders’ votes in favour and 42.25% against.

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