
Business confidence sags in Q1

Heart of capital: Business confidence declined in the first quarter PIC: MORERI SEJAKGOMO
Heart of capital: Business confidence declined in the first quarter PIC: MORERI SEJAKGOMO

The latest edition of the Bank of Botswana’s (BoB) quarterly Business Expectation Survey (BES) indicates that confidence amongst firms declined in the first quarter of 2024 compared to the fourth quarter of 2023.

The reduced level of optimism has largely been attributed to the anticipated deceleration in the growth of exports and imports of goods and services, production, inventories, profitability as well as investment in buildings and plant/machinery. Much of the pessimism is due to weaker global demand and the adverse impact of the Ukraine and Israel-Hamas wars.

However, firms surveyed by the BoB expect that business conditions will improve in the second quarter of 2024 through the 12 months to March 2025, supported by the anticipated improvement in employment and business investment. Improvement is expected in the output of sectors such as manufacturing, agriculture, and retail as well as accommodation, transport and communications.

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