
Crypto Bill passes with rare bipartisan support in Parly

Keeping tabs: Keorapetse says greater public education is required to help Batswana understand what cryptocurrencies are PIC: MORERI SEJAKGOMO
Keeping tabs: Keorapetse says greater public education is required to help Batswana understand what cryptocurrencies are PIC: MORERI SEJAKGOMO

Members of Parliament across the political divide demonstrated rare bipartisan unity as the Virtual Assets Bill, which will regulate cryptocurrency trades among others, was passed by the National Assembly this week.

The Bill now awaits President Mokgweetsi Masisi’s assent to pass into law, as required by the Constitution.

The new Bill expands the Non-Bank Financial Institutions Regulatory Authority’s (NBFIRA) mandate to include licensing providers of virtual asset services, such as cryptocurrencies, as well as regulating and monitoring the issuance of virtual assets and persons conducting virtual asset businesses in Botswana. NBFIRA is also being tasked with developing rules, guidance and codes of practice in connection with the conduct of virtual asset businesses.

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