the monitor

Fairgrounds targeted as Botswana's Wall Street

Lonely Mogara
Lonely Mogara

Fairgrounds has been zoned as a leading financial services centre whose location at the heart of the capital will give investors access to top notch schools, health and entertainment facilities, as well as easy access to the Sir Seretse Khama International Airport (SSKIA) and the country’s major roads.

Special Economic Zones (SEZA) CEO, Lonely Mogara said Fairgrounds is targeted at FinTech investors interested in Business Processing Outsourcing (BPO), Investment Fund Management, International Banking and International Insurance amongst others. “The good thing about Fairgrounds is that it is already established with ready infrastructure and a range of property solutions. All it needs is a facelift. We have completed the Master Planning, Detailed Urban Design Scheme and Cadastral Survey of the SEZ.

We will soon proceed to the Detailed Engineering Designs,” he said. Fairgrounds is also home to leading financial institutions like Botswana Stock Exchange (BSE), Botswana Insurance Holdings Limited (BIHL), Botswana Development Corporation (BDC), Botswana Accountancy College (BAC) and numerous banks’ headquarters.

Editor's Comment
We should care more for our infrastructure, road safety

These roads, which are vital conduits for trade and tourism, have long been in dire need of repair. However, while this development is undoubtedly a positive step, it also raises questions about broader issues of infrastructural management and road safety that deserve closer scrutiny.The A3 and A33 roads are not just any roads, they are critical arteries that connect Botswana to its neighbours and facilitate the movement of goods and people...

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