
Gov’t ramps up solar with 100MW Jwaneng launch

Site Visit Led by BPC Solar Power Project Manager Kenneth Syanjibu PIC: MORERI SEJAKGOMO
Site Visit Led by BPC Solar Power Project Manager Kenneth Syanjibu PIC: MORERI SEJAKGOMO

The Botswana Power Corporation (BPC) signed a contract on Monday for the development of the 100MW Jwaneng Solar Photovoltaic plant, the country’s second utility-scale renewable energy project and the latest initiative as government accelerates renewable generation.

China Harbour Engineering in partnership with China Water and Electric Company will work with local investors on the project that is due for commission in the second quarter of 2026. Chinese media put the value of the contract at $78.3 million (P1.05 billion).

The Chinese consortium will finance, build, and maintain the plant, selling the electricity to the BPC under a 25-year contract. The deal also involves the construction of a 132-kilovolt substation and associated transmission lines to connect the plant to the national grid.

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