Letsatsi Casino loses against GA

Letsatsi Casino was found not to be in compliance with the Casino Control Regulations
Letsatsi Casino was found not to be in compliance with the Casino Control Regulations

Palapye-based Letsatsi Casino has lost with costs a case in which they took the Gambling Authority (GA) together with the Minister of Investment, Trade and Industry to the High Court for rejecting to renew its trading licence.

This follows after the Letsatsi Casino failed to renew its 10-year licence, which expired in February 2006. According to Justice Isaac Lesetedi, Letsatsi of the High Court, the casino should have applied for the licence renewal six months before the expiry date as per the Authority’s regulations. However, they only applied three months before the expiry date.

The founding affidavit and the record placed before the court show that in its September 2015 letter and a subsequent ones of October 15, 2015 and February 5, 2016, the Casino Control Board (CCB) repeatedly advised the applicant of the statutory requirements to be followed in applying for a renewal of the licence.

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