Offshore investments spur DPF assets to P11.5bn

Debswana Headquaters.PIC MORERI SEJAKGOMO
Debswana Headquaters.PIC MORERI SEJAKGOMO

The country’s second-largest pension fund, the Debswana Pension Fund (DPF), has registered growth in its assets in the first quarter of the year to P11.5 billion rising by 6.19% from P10.9 billion in the previous quarter.

The DPF is a defined contribution pension fund established in 1984 as a trust through a joint initiative between Debswana, Anglo American Corporation Botswana, and De Beers Prospecting Botswana with key investments in property, equity, bonds and alternatives.

In an update to members recently, the DPF officials said the first quarter kicked off with a positive market performance due to several factors, which helped the pension fund’s returns. “Positive performance for the quarter was driven by offshore assets namely, global equities, emerging market bonds, emerging market equities, African equities, and global cash. “Global equities were the main driver of growth in the quarter, particularly in the United States,” officials revealed. According to the officials, the rebound of the United States of America (US) economy helped drive profit in key off shore investments. “US markets were bullish in the quarter, underpinned by strong growth, healthy consumer spending, and high employment levels.

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