Oriental Plaza fails to get licence again

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FRANCISTOWN: The Minister of Trade and Industry, Dorcas Makgato-Malesu has yet again denied an operating licence to the Oriental Plaza.

The minister said that the non-citizens who want to operate from the complex have to apply for the necessary permits. She wrote to the Oriental Plaza consultant, Sam Masunga saying that she would not accede to the request that non-citizens should be exempted from engaging in reserved areas. "I have carefully considered your request for exemption for non-citizens to trade in reserved areas at the Oriental Plaza business complex and have come to the conclusion that I cannot accede to your request to allow non-citizens to trade in the indicated reserved areas," wrote the minister.

The correspondence advises the consultant that he should inform his clients accordingly. "You are therefore requested to advise your clients to apply for licences for which they qualify." The P70 million complex has been sitting idle for two years after completion as the minister has made it clear that she would not grant licences if its business is still segregated. She has said she would only grant licences upon notification that Batswana have been brought on board. The Oriental Plaza was completed in 2011 and since then, there has been a back and forth struggle between the owners and the government to grant licences. The government has maintained that it would not grant licences unless locals are part of the businesses operating from the plaza.

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