TNMC mine life extended to 2016

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FRANCISTOWN: Moscow-based Mining and Metallurgical Company (MMC) Norilsk Nickel approved Tati Nickel Mining Company's (TNMC) action plan that extends the mine's life to 2016 last week .

The mine was initially forecast to close down this year due to low mineral grades coupled with high operational costs.A press release from Norilsk Nickel headquarters in Moscow dated July 2, 2013 states that the world leading producer of nickel and palladium has approved to maintain concentrate production levels until 2016 by increasing ore output in the situation of low nickel grades found at Tati."The company shall reduce the cost of all operations, including those carried out by contractors by 10 percent," reads the press statement.  Norilsk Nickel, ranked among the world's top 10 copper producers, also promised to improve sales and logistics conditions. The Russian mining outfit was pleased that TNMC management has already started the implementation of the action plan and achieved some success.

"Preliminary negotiations with contractors were held with positive response received. Negotiations aimed at the improvement of ore and concentrate transportation conditions to smelting facilities are underway," a document passed over to Mmegi Business reveals.TNMC, according to information posted on Norilsk Nickel website, is negotiating better payment conditions for processed and delivered products with the processor and buyers.
"The company is also negotiating tax incentives, ability to hire foreign skilled labour and other support measures with the government of Botswana also very interested in the work of the Tati Nickel mine," Norilsk Nickel statement further says.

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