the monitor

Viva Organica scoops $200,000 at Green Tech Festival

Viva Organica
Viva Organica

Viva Organica, a local company that specialises in producing bio-fertilisers from organic waste, aiming to enhance resilience of farming communities, has been awarded $200,000 at the Green Tech Festival.

As part of the prize they will have access to month of expertise from Boston Consultancy Group. The support will help accelerate and boost Viva in re-redefining its business module, linking them with relevant stakeholders in the business ecosystem and elevating their reach to a more international or global audience.

CEO and founder of the Gabane based company, Mmakwena Moesi, said the award is good news for a company that is still at infancy stages. “We won first prize of the start-up slam challenge hosted by Green Tech festival in Berlin, Germany,” she explained. “This is great news especially with the current stage our business as we are looking into getting into the market.

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