BDP must digitalise voting process

The past weekend marked the climax of the Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) 36th elective congress, culminating in the much talked about central committee election.

While voting went without the usual incidents, it is the long dragging process that have become a worrying factor; the begging for urgent polling changes to save the party time and money.

To put the matter into perspective, the voting was scheduled to start at 8am Saturday and every one seemed to expect the whole process to have been concluded by 4pm. As it turned out, the process dragged on for 18 hours, and it was already 2am, by the time Jagdish Shah was pronounced the new BDP deputy treasurer. Even then, it was far from over, as BDP members and observers had to painfully go through the wait for the election of additional members.

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We should care more for our infrastructure, road safety

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