the monitor

Enough is enough!

Young people continue to perish due to road traffic accidents caused either by reckless driving and driving under the influence of alcohol, involvement in fights that end tragically, and substance and alcohol abuse.

On Saturday at around 9am it was reported that an accident claimed the lives of five people who happened to be related. The car they were travelling in is said to have attempted to overtake only to realise that the oncoming car was fast approaching. When the driver tried to get back to his lane, he hit the car he was trying to drive past whilst overtaking.

Many quickly took to social media to show sympathy to the victims and also offer their condolences to family members. Most of the people, whilst not being necessarily rude, expressed disapproval for the way some owners of the VW Golf model of cars, commonly referred to as VrrrrrPhaaa. Some of the owners of these particular models always make sure they drive their vehicles at very high speeds regardless of the roads they are driving on.

It is something that perplexes many whether these youngsters do these things because they just love speed or whether this is done to impress onlookers. Whatever their reasons these come at a painful price for those left behind. The five youthful lives that were lost on Saturday should be a wake-up call for all of us both young and elderly. Let's exercise caution at all times when driving on our roads. It is common knowledge that our roads aren't necessarily the best. Now imagine adding on reckless driving, that is of course a recipe for disaster.

Nowadays the country has an extremely reliable transport system, in terms of cabs, when an individual knows that they have plans to have a good time and alcoholic drinks, the responsible thing would be to use a cab. It's much safer to call a cab than to be drunk behind the wheel!

And then there is this issue of overspeeding! The Department of Road Transport and Safety has on numerous occasions run campaigns to discourage road users from driving under the influence of alcohol and overspeeding, but unfortunately all these fall upon deaf ears. Speed kills! Driving under the influence of alcohol decreases one’s reaction time, which is why almost all the time, drunk drivers are unable to avoid roadway hazards.

Please let's take it upon ourselves to change our behaviour and mindset when it comes to obeying all traffic regulations! Let's police ourselves and not do dangerous things just because the police aren't around to issue tickets. It's our lives after all. Let's safeguard our lives with all we can.

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