New anti-AIDS policy is a double-edged sword

Revelations that there is a strategy by the Ministry of Health to fight the spread of HIV/AIDS and achieve zero new infections by year 2016 has caught many people by surprise.

In the strategy, the police, immigration and the National AIDS Coordinating Agency (NACA) will engage in joint operations to rid the streets of homosexual prostitutes and prostitutes. Foreigners with the sexual orientation will be deported immediately, while locals will be fined and monitored thereafter.

Although there were mixed reactions to news of strategy, it ought to be known that the policy may have loopholes for abuse, as it leaves many questions unanswered. The nation needs answers as to who determines what a homosexual prostitute is before people are punished. It is the responsibility of the architects of this policy to explain what kind of behaviour constitutes prostitution, since, even the police have admitted in many interactions with the public that it is difficult to prove the crime in a court of law.

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