
Public funds thrown down the abyss

It is painful that a multi-million pula facility of the stature of the crucial Dibete Police Station could have such a very short lifespan when it has been strategically located and performing such a good job in fighting crime.

Dibete and villages in its environs are a crime hotspot with escalating cases of rape, defilement, murder, stock theft and other serious crimes. Dibete cordon fence, where the police station is located, has seen the police making many successes in intercepting stolen goods such as bags of marijuana, suspected stolen motor vehicles and an assortment of other goods. It is therefore, disheartening that the government has decided to close the police station for good only after a decade (2008 to 2018) of the station’s continuous operation in its recent status.

When recently briefing Parliament, Defence and Security Minister, Kagiso Mmusi, acknowledged that the government has made a decision to close the station due to severe dilapidation with cracked walls and floors. The description of the status of the police station upon its closure point to just one thing; that the government engineers possibly slept on their job by condoning poor workmanship, which could not stand the test of time.

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Ditlhopho di tsile: Vote wisely

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